Currently browsing "Video Courses"
Full motion video courses to ensure compliance, skills development, and talent development.
Becoming An Effective Manager: Building Emotional Intelligence
This course explores the four components of EQ; self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. Techniques illustrated in these four components illustrate techniques for developing one’s own emotional intelligence so that one can become a more effective manager. Preview video. Educate your team members and keep them curious until the end by learning strategies for […]
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Delivering Engaging Presentations
Maybe you have mastered your fear of public speaking and have managed to focus on all the key points you want to deliver to your audience. Unfortunately, this alone doesn’t ensure you will keep them captivated. Learn how to create visually engaging presentations and structure them in a way that keeps your team members curious […]
Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals
Conducting performance appraisals is one of the most dreaded tasks among many managers. Besides the daunting amount of paperwork and planning, what are the best strategizes for providing feedback that is both encouraging and constructive? Preview video. The importance of providing effective feedback shouldn’t be underestimated. While everyone has areas for improvement, the proper delivery of […]
How to Deal with a Bully in the Workplace: Employee Edition
Workplace bullying is on the rise, according to recent studies. An estimated 65 million Americans have had to deal with a workplace bully at some point in their career path. Employees can feel helpless when bullied in the workplace, for fear of it affecting their performance and possibly even losing their job if they speak […]
Creating a Positive Leadership Mindset for Organizational Change
In the course Creating a Mindset for Change, Laura Goodrich, Global Workforce Innovator, uses a methodology called “Seeing Red Cars” to help instill a leadership mindset that inspires positive change. This series will help you evaluate your recent accomplishments and strategize future goals to overcome any challenges. Preview video.
Consciously Overcoming Unconscious Bias
Have you ever made assumptions about a co-worker based on appearance alone? Did their age, sex, or race affect how you treated them? Many of us may unconsciously form opinions of others based on common, prevalent stereotypes. This video details what unconscious bias is and provides solutions with small steps that can positively impact your […]
Future Focused Leadership Course
This course shows examples of how some leaders fail at maintaining a future-driven mindset and ideas for how to foster change to succeed. Topics include: reversing the focus on fear, changing the mindset, change and its difficulties, research, and many other concepts to help your organization see the bigger picture. Preview video. Effective leaders must […]
Behavioral Based Interviewing 101: Reveal a Candidate’s Future Performance
While traditional interviews may only reveal surface information, behavioral based interviewing prompts candidates to describe detailed events, better predicting actual on-the-job performance. Use open-ended questions, beginning with What? When? Why? and How? for an accurate gauge of how an employee has performed at a past job. Preview video.This course gives examples of questions to ask […]
Leadership Development 101: What qualities make a good leader?
Leaders can make or break an organization, depending on the level of their communication skills. eLeaP has a variety of courses to help managers encourage and accelerate the growth and accomplishments of employees without micromanaging. Preview video. Dissatisfaction with management in the workplace leads to low productivity, resulting in high turnover and low revenue. Delivering […]
Sexual Harassment 101: Do you know the compliance requirements in your state?
Prevent costly sexual harassment lawsuits in your organization and meet compliance by learning how to recognize discriminatory behavior in yourself and those you manage. Various scenarios in our harassment prevention videos uncover how managers and employees may unwittingly display biased and inappropriate behavior in the eyes of the law. Preview video. Supervisors in California are […]