Learning Management & Talent Development Insights
Latest trends, ideas and reports in the world of talent development, learning management and edtech
Guarantee Your Company is Compliant with New York’s Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
As you may already know, it matters very little where your company is geographically located, or even if it has multiple sites; there are now sexual harassment-prevention laws that must be followed. While you might argue that your state, or the state in which the company is headquartered, has no set policies around the issue, […]
How to Be Sure Your Company is in Line with Illinois Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
On a national basis, more and more companies are finding it necessary to implement workplace training designed to help supervisors and others recognize and halt sexual harassment. In many areas, it is not mandatory, but in some states, such as Illinois, harassment prevention has been voted into state law. And although sexual harassment training and […]
Guarantee You are in Compliance with California Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
It does not matter where your company is located, or even if it is spread out over several different states; there are now harassment-prevention rules that must be followed. While you might say that your state or the state in which the company is headquartered has no specific harassment prevention policies, you are responsible for […]
Ensure That Your Company Is in Line with Delaware Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
Sexual harassment training and the many legal requirements that employers must meet regarding it keep changing. Several states have seen rather radical updates to their state laws associated with training supervisory (and in some cases non-supervisory) employees, and Delaware is among them. However, it does not matter where your company is located, or even if […]
Harassment Training Still Needs to be a Priority, Even in the #MeToo Era
Years after the #MeToo movement got started, there are those who may be thinking to themselves, “Well, it’s nice to know that the whole sexual harassment situation is now taken care of.” But that kind of thinking can be a huge mistake. Social media movements can be surprisingly fickle, and all too often fade from […]
MeToo Movement Fallout: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
When the #MeToo movement began gathering steam two years ago after media reports about sexual harassment perpetrated by what felt like a truly alarming number of men in powerful positions, it was easy to think things would change for the better for women. There are always skeptics about the potential for any movement to achieve […]
Sexual Harassment 101: Do you know the compliance requirements in your state?
Prevent costly sexual harassment lawsuits in your organization and meet compliance by learning how to recognize discriminatory behavior in yourself and those you manage. Various scenarios in our harassment prevention videos uncover how managers and employees may unwittingly display biased and inappropriate behavior in the eyes of the law. Preview video. Supervisors in California are […]
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Bystander Training for Workplace Harassment Prevention
The term sexual harassment was coined more than 40 years ago. The vast majority of companies have policies that address sexual harassment, and many even provide some amount of general training for employees on the topic. In spite of this, the #MeToo movement has revealed just how widespread and entrenched the problem is in workplaces […]