Learning Management & Talent Development Insights
For 20 years, eLeaP® has helped organizations achieve excellence through learning, performance, & quality.
Guarantee Your Company is Compliant with New York’s Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
As you may already know, it matters very little where your company is geographically located, or even if it has multiple sites; there are now sexual harassment-prevention laws that must be followed. While you might argue that your state, or the state in which the company is headquartered, has no set policies around the issue, […]
Custom Training: Can It Solve Your L&D Challenges?
Struggling to meet L&D goals? You are certainly not alone. Many organizations find achieving meaningful progress toward important learning and development-related milestones challenging. However, there is a solution – custom training. By allowing your learners to enjoy a degree of flexibility, it becomes possible to overcome those hurdles and accelerate your L&D initiative’s success. Of […]
The Top L&D Mistakes to Avoid in 2021
Ask any learning and development professional and you’ll get the same answer – L&D can be incredibly challenging to get right. That’s because there are so many missteps and mistakes that can derail your efforts. It’s all too easy to start strong, only to find that your learning and development initiatives completely miss the mark. […]
How Coaches Can Help Support Learning and Development Success
“Coaching” in the business realm has traditionally been synonymous with course correction and employee performance reviews. There has been a punitive note to the word, a connection with the idea that coaching is only necessary when performance must be improved. If true turnaround is desired in employee performance, managers as coaches However, when the bigger […]
Designing a Weekly Developer Check-In for Learning and Development
Usually, check-ins and conversations relate more to performance management than to learning and development. However, they’re actually two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other, and when you get right down to it, the lines that separate the two tend to blur when looked at closely. That makes it natural […]
Tips to Improve Employee Growth and Development
Few things are as critical to running a successful business today as encouraging employee growth and development. In the past, it wasn’t so essential. You hired an employee to perform a task, and they might stay in that position for the duration of their employment. Today, employees demand career progression opportunities, or they will seek […]
How to Maintain a Learning and Development Focused Mindset While Working Remotely
It’s tough to maintain a mindset focused on learning and development in a socially distanced, remote-work world. It’s much easier to feel disconnected, cut-off, and alone. For leaders, managers, and decision-makers, that’s a terrible situation in which to find yourself. However, it doesn’t have to be your truth. There are ways to ensure you’re able […]
Understanding the Role of an LMS in Talent Management
What’s the single most important factor in your business’s success? You could answer with almost anything – a unique product or service, for instance, the right positioning, or perhaps a dedication to innovation. All of those things matter, but the truth is that the foundation for all of your success rests on your in-house talent. […]
Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals
Conducting performance appraisals is one of the most dreaded tasks among many managers. Besides the daunting amount of paperwork and planning, what are the best strategizes for providing feedback that is both encouraging and constructive? Preview video. The importance of providing effective feedback shouldn’t be underestimated. While everyone has areas for improvement, the proper delivery of […]
Creating a Positive Leadership Mindset for Organizational Change
In the course Creating a Mindset for Change, Laura Goodrich, Global Workforce Innovator, uses a methodology called “Seeing Red Cars” to help instill a leadership mindset that inspires positive change. This series will help you evaluate your recent accomplishments and strategize future goals to overcome any challenges. Preview video.
4 Ways to Engage With Your Employees While Maintaining Your Authority
Poor relationships between managers and employees can cause dissatisfaction at work. You know that pit in your stomach you get on Sunday night? Well, you may not get it now, but I bet at some point in your life, you have if you’ve been stuck in a terrible job. How can management help reduce the […]