Currently browsing "E-Learning"
E-Learning is a uniquely transformative force which has direct bottom line impact. However Elearning has to be done right to ensure its vast advantages are realized in organizations. Get the latest thought leadership in Elearning.
Why your Company Needs a Chief Learning Manager
American companies spend more than $130 billion a year on training their staff. Despite efforts by employers to give their workers the chance to learn new skills and absorb more knowledge, only 30 percent of U.S. employees describe themselves as “engaged at work” according to a recent Gallup study. What is even more disconcerting is […]
Why Cross-Training Through E-Learning Makes Corporate Sense
Today’s companies must respond quickly to sudden influxes of business and rapidly changing markets. Because of this, an increasing number of businesses are using e-learning to cross-train their employees so they are able to perform several jobs within the organization. The trend started in service-oriented businesses such as restaurants and bars where three waiters or […]
Storytelling: E-Learning’s Hottest Trend
The Choose Your Own Adventure book series, which many adults may remember from childhood, involved the use of branching logic to engage readers. The books posed a scenario. It could be something as simple as stepping outdoors and making observations about the weather and the wildlife around us, and then seeing two paths ahead. We […]
How E-Learning Can Fill the Soft Skills Gap
The bulk of training dollars is spent on teaching employees job functions, such as how to use specific equipment or follow set processes to create products and services. And yet, when asked what makes their employees valuable, most business owners cite a completely different skill set than straight technical and functional skills. In fact, in […]
Why Your Business Needs Compassion Training and How to Deliver It
Angel Cabrera, president of George Mason University, believes that employees who think business is nothing more than making money are short-changing their corporations. In a recent panel discussion reported by Monica Tanase-Coles on, Cabrera says: “At its very heart, a business is the beauty of bringing together people and things to make the community […]
How to Motivate Employees to Complete E-Learning Courses
When a business wants its staff to embrace e-learning, it is often assumed that the motivational techniques to get them to finish courses will be different from traditional training methods. They aren’t, according to a major study done on motivational factors in e-learners. Researchers with Massey University in New Zealand and Athabasca University in Canada […]
Excellent E-Learners: Who Excels at Online Learning?
Everyone can be taught skills, but the manner and pace at which employees absorb knowledge is increasingly vital as corporate America turns to e-learning for training. In fact, Thomas Friedman in The World Is Flat suggests that the capability to e-learn will become one of the most important assets for workers because job changes and […]
Global Trends in E-Learning
Education has always been an essential component of human growth and development, and in today’s digital age, the way we approach education has undergone a seismic shift. eLearning has emerged as a viable alternative to traditional classroom learning, and its popularity continues to grow rapidly. From interactive learning tools to virtual classrooms, eLearning has transformed […]
To review or not to review: hiding quiz answers
You probably know that adding assessments, tests, or quizzes is a simple but effective method of building accountability and tracking into your e-learning or training program. To prove return on investment, I believe it is crucial in most organizations to be able to show that the training program not only got implemented properly but that […]
How to select the right online training platform
According to the latest State of the American Workplace Report, nearly 70 percent of U.S. workers don’t like their job. This leads to a disconnected, less productive workplace. Employees are shown to be more engaged and happy in the workplace when well trained to do their jobs and feel they are adding to the success […]
3 Common Complaints about Online Training and How You Can Solve Them
Trainees can love or hate online training. Some of the common complaints employees have about training online have solutions, so you have a way or turning complaints into satisfaction. Discover what these common complaints are so that you can resolve them before they become issues for your organization.
Online Training Can Help to Avoid Lawsuits
When safety is an issue, online training can help you to avoid lawsuits. This is especially true for particular types of companies, such as manufacturers, construction workers, railroad companies and other companies that deal with large machinery or situations where employees can be injured. Even when safety is not the primary concern, many other factors […]