Currently browsing "Workplace Training"
Empathy Training and Why it Matters
As more organizations take emotional intelligence or EQ training seriously, there’s a growing appreciation that empathy is an integral part of the workplace. Empathy, after all, holds the potential to open doors and perhaps more importantly, to keep doors open. But what is empathy, what is empathy training, and why does it matter? Defining Empathy […]
Instructional Design for Older Workers
As the ability to retire at 65 becomes a pipe dream for many Americans, there are a growing number of older adults in the workforce. While some younger workers like to joke about their older colleagues’ work habits – for example, printing and filing important emails due to a deep mistrust of cloud storage – […]
Designing Enduring Structures for the Virtual Workplace
For centuries, architects have been building structures that do more than protect us from the elements. In Ancient Greece, temples were designed as powerful testaments to Greek society’s rising civilization. In the Renaissance, Italian cathedrals were designed to enhance and amplify choral music. And in the 18th century, a growing number of buildings were designed […]
Why employee development is an ignored concept and what you can do about it
Employee development is one of the most overlooked and underutilized aspects of management and leadership, yet it can be one of the most valuable. It’s not just employees that see development training as a hassle—most managers also are unwilling to put the necessary time into the process, and the result is frustration on the part […]
What can I learn from this experience?
I am not going to write a traditional blog post. This one is not about how to create online training. It does not deal with the intricacies of Learning management systems or the complexities of e-learning software. This topic is based on an audiobook I recently listened to on Audible. The book is ‘Mindsets: How […]