Recent surveys suggest that online course providers and LMS platforms are experiencing a huge boom when it comes to signups from organizations in the corporate world. However, many of these signups experience extremely low completion rates shortly after deploying the software.

Because of the absence of face-to-face learning and the human connection, keeping employees engaged enough to finish can become a huge problem. This ends up having a negative impact on the ROI of organizations that pay good money for these platforms and services.

Psychology-Backed Strategies That Keep Employees Engaged

A large majority of data suggests that course completion rates hover between 15 and 20 percent, which can hardly be considered a success. However, making a few small changes and taking advantage of simple hacks can produce light at the end of the corporate tunnel.

The following strategies are fairly easy to implement but can provide big results when it comes to completion rates. These hacks are backed by psychological studies and are used daily in many different educational settings. If you’re in the corporate world and use LMS platforms, these strategies are likely to provide favorable results for your organization as well.

    1. Using Multiple Learning Models

Different people have different levels of success when it comes to certain learning models. Some individuals are visual learners, while other people thrive on verbal course material. In online learning environments and learning management systems, it can be difficult to gain an understanding of how your employees digest the material in the most efficient manner.

Because of these varied forms of learning, there is only one suitable solution for increasing completion rates based on models that work best. Implementing multimodal learning is the best course of action for finding a way that suits everyone.

Multimodal learning is a process that includes using reading, writing, visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods to improve completion rates and levels of understanding. This is so effective because there are multiple ways to match the course content to the style of learning your employees respond best to.

This provides two favorable outcomes once courses are all said and done. Your employees end up having improved levels of focus, which in turn boosts their confidence when taking these courses.

    2. Eliminate Free Courses

Recent reports have suggested that the completion rates of free courses are considerably lower than those of paid courses. The psychological element is extremely high when it comes to the difference between free and paid courses.

When employees take paid courses, the stakes are much higher because there’s financial value on the line. Nobody wants to waste the investment they’ve made into a paid course. This ends up increasing employees’ motivation to see the course through until the end and try to pass.

Some companies also make certain courses optional or use them as an additional benefit. Making your most important courses mandatory can also boost the engagement of your employees.

    3. Make Real-World Connections Using Schemata

In the psychology world, a schema describes a pattern of thought or certain behavior that organizes classes of information and the relationships between them. This makes a deeper connection between a certain action or behavior and the environments or situations that trigger these behaviors.

In the corporate world, using this strategy can pay dividends when it comes to completion rates and engagement. This allows learners to understand how certain course content is connected to the world around them. Helping employees understand how pertinent information regarding their job is important in everyday life will help them grasp the material better. This also gives them a feeling of how important their position is in terms of the world outside of work.

On your course management system, take some time on the courses to show examples and apply the information and skills they’re learning in the real world. Give them an understanding of how their services can benefit the average individual.

When employees feel like their position provides value outside of the specific industry they’re in, they’re more likely to take it seriously. Any situation that provides an individual with the feeling that they’re providing something important can result in a greater sense of pride for what they’re doing. This can make them more eager to learn the strategies and skills contained within your LMS platform.

    4. Use Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL)

Social-emotional learning can be an effective strategy when it comes to a corporate learning environment. Using this strategy in your LMS can drive significant results and boost your completion percentages.

In a corporate setting, social-emotional learning is when employees acquire a skill and learn to use it for their own unique goals and create positive relationships. It can also be useful in managing emotions, making informed decisions, and exhibiting empathy.

In the psychology world, this strategy is normally used to assist emotionally under-developed children. However, your organization can use it to create avenues within your learning management system to connect with your employees.

One example of using this strategy is to offer bonuses that may include live group sessions or meetups for peers and team members to voice emotions and opinions about your platform. They can use this time to engage in course material and build a sense of community among coworkers.

The end result of this strategy is not only higher engagement but a boost in corporate culture. Promoting interaction and engagement among team members produces stronger collaborative environments among your workforce.

This strategy can also be used inter-departmentally to encourage better relationships. One example of this is encouraging better communication between your sales department and the marketing team. Teaching these departments to work together rather than in competition can increase production and drive positive results.

Using these psychological strategies can produce results far beyond higher completion rates and better engagement. When you encourage your employees to grow personally and professionally, confident leaders and future managers can be examples of some of the results.

Psychological strategies will not only produce stronger team members but also help with retention and create better learning environments. When this happens, the residual effects can be just as important as your primary goal in the beginning. If you would like to improve your employee engagement and retain top talent, contact us today for a free consultation!