Should Organizations Worry about Data Breaches with Cloud-Based LMS Solutions?
In setting up digital tools and resources, including the learning management system (LMS) that the organization will use, leaders and managers need to ensure that they choose systems that offer reliability and secure access. Of course, as with everything in the cloud and on today’s Internet, data breaches are a common topic of discussion and point of concern for the modern organization. Fortunately, as much as there is a push toward cloud migration, there is also a push for better security to guarantee that data is protected no matter where it is stored.
Data breaches and theft can occur through cloud platforms, just as they can occur anywhere on the Internet. It’s not about whether eLearning platforms will ever be able to overcome that, but whether organizations have the knowledge and resources to secure their LMS just as they have secured the rest of their digital resources.
The Push for Cloud Migration
Companies of all kinds have been pushed toward digital transformation and cloud migration for some time now. There are several advantages to this type of technology, including the fact that it offers 24/7 access to all kinds of information and data, no matter where you are in the world. You no longer need to be in the office or at the right computer to access information. A lot of LMS platforms and other cloud-based tools even have mobile apps to ensure that people can access information from anywhere on any device, and at any time.
Companies will need to consider their own goals for cloud technology and the conversion to a new LMS platform. This will ensure that they can align their goals with those of the programs and tools that they use to manage and access, as well as disseminate, information. This ensures that learning can be done anywhere and in several different ways, creating a dynamic learning environment that outperforms the classroom time and again.
SaaS for Scalability and Safety
Small business organizations just getting their feet wet in the world of cloud-based learning and development often find that they have better success with a SaaS LMS. These platforms are scalable and flexible and save companies from worrying about the hardware costs and other expenses of running their own data center. Of course, without the right security in place, anyone can have access to the LMS. Fortunately, cloud vendors will ensure that only authorized parties can access the information in the platform, thanks to password protection, encryption, and other tools.
Using an LMS that comes in the form of an SaaS platform also gives businesses the chance to see what learning management systems can do and how versatile they can be when it comes time to customize further or invest in white label LMS solutions. SaaS providers will have their own security and protocols in place to ensure that it’s that much more difficult for a data breach to occur, too.
Encryption and Virtual Private Networks
Even though adopting technologies in the cloud presents its own level of threats, companies have several options for protecting themselves. Encryption tools like secure logins and password protection, SSL and two-factor authentication, and others, will provide a host of solutions to keep your information and your resources safe. U.S. data privacy laws will also impact the types of encryption available in the coming years, further securing the risks of data theft and breaches of secure company networks.
Then, of course, there is the option to invest in a virtual private network, or VPN. Banks, healthcare organizations, and other utilize these networks every single day and they can be a great way to secure your data and provide peace of mind. Even with mobile and remote work and learning, your team will always have secure access when they’re set up with a VPN. This network allows you to create a list of people who can access the network and ensure that only those who should be in the LMS are actually using it.
Who’s Stealing LMS Data?
Some companies, naturally, want to know what kind of reason people have for stealing data and information from an organization. If money or financial accounts are involved, naturally there’s a clear reason. But an LMS? Is it worth being considered a security risk? Well, think about all the data and information that your LMS database and platform can include:
- Employee information
- Credentials and passwords
- Proprietary data and private company information
- Other company documents, data, and information
Essentially, once someone figures out how to get into one part of the system, it’s not hard for them to find the rest of it. And when you step back and look, you’ll see just how much information you have stored in your LMS database—losing any of it could be a costly mistake and present problems for your technology trust in the future.
Safety Measures Solve the Problem
Restricted access and solutions like the VPN discussed above are just the start of the safety measures and security protocols that could be put into place to protect your organization. When creating your LMS or choosing a hosted provider to deliver a cloud-based LMS platform, keep the information above in mind. Even the most innocent-seeming of data breaches can cost companies a small fortune if they’re not careful.
Data breaches in the LMS might not sound like they are much of a threat, but you’re putting the business on the line in several different ways and even if it’s “just” some training material and information, you don’t want it to be getting out to those who shouldn’t have access. The secret is to work with an LMS provider like eLeaP that ensures that all of your information is protected and that your learning platform is hosted securely on cloud servers that require authentication. This is only the start, of course, but when you have the right people on your side, it will make all the difference for your organization and your peace of mind.