Digital Marketing Skills Your Team Members Should be Learning Through Your LMS
Digital marketing has grown increasingly popular each year since the internet first began seeing widespread use. It’s also gotten more sophisticated, which has led to a more competitive atmosphere among competing organizations.
This means that members of your marketing department need a wide variety of special skills to stay ahead of the game. These skills increase the effectiveness and variety of your digital marketing campaigns.
Each passing year brings new opportunities to implement these skills as a part of your LMS platform. This article outlines the most important digital marketing skills team members should be learning during their training stages.
Who Should Be Trained In Digital Marketing?
It’s difficult to gauge what skill sets should be taught to new team members because of the versatility of the digital marketing world. Understanding how to teach these skills can be even more difficult.
This leaves a gap in many of the digital marketing educational programs for companies training new hires. Just because you recruited them for the marketing department doesn’t mean they already possess the skills needed to keep up with the corporate world’s demand.
Even experienced digital marketers may need training because of the speed at which marketing presently moves. Customer service and support agents even need training in this field of expertise at certain times. This gives them a greater understanding of how to address customer service needs.
There are many categories of digital marketing education. However, there are a few specific categories that need the most attention when it comes to new hires and your LMS platform. The following section outlines which digital marketing skills should be implemented on your LMS during training sessions.
1. Driving Traffic
There are several methods of driving traffic to your organization’s website. You have PPC, social media advertising, and SEO as the primary means of accomplishing this goal.
Anyone joining your organization must have a firm understanding of how to drive traffic using each method. These are all key when it comes to your digital marketing strategy, and one shouldn’t be considered any more important than the other.
2. Maximizing Social Media
Social media can be used in many other ways besides just paid ad campaigns. Over half of the population of the entire world takes advantage of social media. This is a huge demographic that organizations can take advantage of just by using certain platforms.
Creating the right content based on specific platforms is an important skill for any member of your marketing team. Understanding which types of content are best utilized for a large variety of platforms is important when it comes to maximizing your results.
Brand awareness and advertisement aren’t the only categories useful when it comes to social media. Support and customer service can also benefit from these platforms as a way to stay connected with current and past clients.
3. Optimizing Using Digital Technology
In today’s world, business never stops. Transactions are completed around the clock regardless of the industry you’re in. This means that marketing needs to keep up with this same around-the-clock pace.
Understanding digital optimization is important for your marketing department. Knowing when and where to place certain campaigns and implement various strategies is just as important as knowing the strategies altogether.
Time and date placements play a special role when it comes to deploying marketing campaigns. Knowing when to hold back and when to pull the trigger can make all the difference in the world.
4. Branding Your Organization
How people discuss your brand is important in the marketing world. Your brand is one of the most important aspects of your entire organization, and your marketing department needs to understand how to put your brand across.
Using the appropriate language when you share content is vital as well. You want to maintain a uniform voice across any platform where you publish content. This is one of the most important aspects of your brand as a whole.
Crafting a course on content marketing can be vital in making sure your marketing team is well-versed in this area. Your LMS can end up playing a huge role in the overall branding of your organization and how marketing is taught to take on projects that include this element.
5. Email Campaigns
Learning how to run effective email campaigns is a talent that is sometimes lost when it comes to digital marketing. However, many consumers state that important purchases are only made after interacting with a company via email.
Running efficient email campaigns will allow you to directly engage with your consumer base, which will increase conversion rates and improve customer loyalty. These campaigns can also be targeted internally on the part of your HR team.
They may decide to market a specific training course that’s a part of your learning management system. In these cases, additional departments may also benefit from learning how to run effective email campaigns. This skill isn’t just specific to your marketing team.
6. Automating Tasks to Free Up Extra Time
Certain marketing projects require touches of personalization and require human emotion. However, other projects can be repetitive and could be completed on an automated basis.
Pinpointing these tasks may save your marketing team a lot of time in the future. Any area that can be automated and lower the need for man-hours will free up time for other areas of importance.
7. Build Brand Ambassadors
Finding individuals and companies to act as brand ambassadors is another important skill your new marketing hires should understand. These ambassadors will promote products and other aspects of your organization.
Your marketing team must have a firm understanding of how to choose the right people for this job. This is another example of when uniformity plays a significant role in a marketing task or project. Ambassadors should clearly represent your brand and share the same voice overall.
Marketing is a versatile department currently, and understanding the many different elements that make this department up can be overwhelming. However, by focusing their attention on the most important dynamics, you should be able to count on your marketing team to generate results in the right areas. Keeping up with how efficiently your marketing hires learn isn’t as difficult as you think. Track the relevant data and metrics surrounding campaigns you’ve tasked them with, and the results should tell you everything you need to know.
Adopting the right LMS can be your company’s ticket to enhanced productivity and profitability. In the meantime, get your free eLeaP LMS sandbox account.