The Most Underrated Elements of a Quality LMS Platform
When you implement a new LMS platform, it’s easy to pay attention to the highlighted elements or areas you feel solely are most important. Things like the ability to shape course material, interactive elements, and the options to update graphics and other files are given the most attention.
Additionally, the course exams and certifications are highlighted as well. While there’s nothing wrong with making sure all of these elements are high-quality, there are several characteristics of a top-notch LMS platform that are underrated.
It’s easy to lose sight of the smaller elements that make a huge difference when the spotlight is on all the fancy bells and whistles. This article will examine the most underrated yet important elements of a quality LMS platform, especially concerning the biosciences industry.
Onboarding and Implementation Options
In the biosciences industry, implementing an LMS platform can be incredibly technical. There is so much course material in different subjects that it can be hard to learn how to operate the platform effectively.
This is especially true when you’re used to using your previous LMS program. A quality LMS platform will include the option of having an instructor or agent come in to help onboard and implement the platform and train all of your employees.
These instructors can come in for an unspecified number of days and train your instructors and staff on the most efficient ways to use platforms. There are so many different options and elements when it comes to these platforms, it can be impossible to understand their entirety without having a technical advisor assist.
Although it can cost a little bit of extra money to bring on one of these agents, many times it’s money well spent. This is especially true when they are being used by a larger organization with hundreds of students and employees who will be using the platform simultaneously. Get a free consultation on how to implement a learning management system.
Continued Customer Service/Updating Options
This section can be broken down into two separate categories. This first is overall customer service.
Customer Service
Having a quality LMS means that customer service is available 24/7 for clients. Sometimes organizations use companies after hours to train and conduct classes on an LMS platform.
In instances of remote courses, many employees are reviewing course material at home, far after normal work hours. When there is a technical issue with a platform, it’s important that customer service can be accessed 24/7, with the exception of holidays.
The second section includes future updating options and having a permanent manager for your account.
Updating Options/Future Sales
Having a designated sales rep for your account can be important when it comes to your LMS platform. As time goes on, newer, more effective versions of an LMS platform can be developed. It’s important that you have access to these and are constantly updated regarding changes to the platform.
A designated sales rep can provide you with all of the information you need for future versions of a program, as well as necessary updates and changes you should know about. Good sales reps will make normal contact with you to ensure everything is going smoothly and that you don’t have any questions or concerns.
Uniform/Continued Course Material
Taking advantage of data is important when it comes to an LMS platform. Data can be important for future students and classes to determine which manually developed courses are garnering the best results.
When you find a formula that works, it’s important that you can keep producing the same results among future students and employees. A quality LMS platform will allow you to keep track of which courses and changes are producing the best results. This can be tracked over time and doesn’t have to be during the same course necessarily.
For example, let’s say you implement a change in one course during year one. These changes prove to be effective, so you keep track of this and continue with these modules. In year three, you implement changes with the same course but a different module. The platform can track these changes despite taking place during separate years.
This way, you can monitor what works and what doesn’t and keep using the material that proves to be effective. Over time, this allows you to craft quality course material that is constantly improving.
Essentially, with a quality LMS platform, the development of course content and material never stops evolving. This is especially important in biosciences, where fields are constantly evolving as well, and there’s a steady influx of new technology.
Built-In Courses
Although many organizations and instructors choose to craft their own courses, this doesn’t mean you should underestimate the material included with the courses that come standard. Many of the standard courses that come with an LMS platform can be incredibly effective.
These courses can also be updated, and your sales rep can provide you with new versions as they become available. Additionally, the courses that come with these programs are good bases to build your own modules. Add and subtract material as you see fit to come up with your own custom course that fits your organization.
Having the right LMS platform in the biosciences industry is a huge part of long-term success. Sometimes these benefits that come with the platforms that aren’t as talked about can be some of the most important elements.
If you are a larger organization, you should always take advantage of the onboarding and implementation options. It can be nearly impossible to expect an in-house employee to direct instructors on using an LMS platform to teach hundreds of employees and students.
Additionally, the customer service options that come with a quality LMS program can be priceless. In any industry, everyone knows that time is money. If you have to lose time because of glitches or issues with a course, the lack of access to customer service can mean the loss of valuable revenue for your company. Loss of time is especially detrimental in the biosciences industry, where changes are made by the second!