Ways to Improve Work Performance
15 Actionable Ways to Improve Work Performance
If you are responsible for the performance of an entire team, your time is likely split between your work and trying to figure out how to motivate productivity. This can take a significant amount of effort on your part, and at the end of the day, you may still feel like you aren’t successful. Finding ways to improve work performance is part of the manager’s job, but it doesn’t have to be a headache. Here are our best tips that you can put into action today.
1. Set the Big Daily Priorities First
Give your team a clear direction each day by setting the big priorities first. Embrace the “eat the frog” mindset and get the daunting projects out of the way so everyone feels more productive. This eliminates anxiety throughout the day as the looming task is already done.
2. Identify and Fix Bottlenecks
Where is the work slowing down in your office? There could be a specific issue you need to address that is causing the bottleneck. Identify if a particular task takes one person too long to perform, which indicates they may need help. Also, be on the lookout for slow systems or tools.
3. Follow the “Touch It Once” Rule
One excellent rule to put into place in your office is to only start on a project or task when you can complete the steps at hand. Don’t open your email unless you have the time and ability to respond to messages. Don’t start a task and then put it aside for later. This is one of the ways to improve work performance that can be applied to anyone on the team for a great result.
4. Give More Frequent Feedback
Sometimes, work performance suffers simply because people aren’t aware that they are not meeting the standards. Waiting for a quarterly review may be too late to give constructive feedback – the habits are formed by then. Make it a practice to give feedback regularly so employees are always pointed at the target.
5. Discourage Multitasking
Of all the ways to improve work performance, this could be one of the most overlooked. Multitasking never delivers the same productivity that efficiently focusing on one thing at a time can. Encourage steady workflow so that each task gets full attention.
6. Improve Communication Channels
Another way to improve work performance is to ensure that everyone on the team has open communication channels. Work can easily bottleneck when questions and feedback go unseen or unanswered. Try creating an instant channel using a tool like Slack or Teams to encourage better communication.
7. Offer Scheduled Breaks to Eliminate Working Distracted
One of the many ways to improve workplace performance is eliminating distractions, but being strict regarding mobile devices or social media can hurt morale. Instead, schedule breaks into the day where employees can refresh and chat with each other before getting back to undistracted work.
8. Give Employees Bite-Sized Tasks
If you’ve seen that work performance often suffers at the start of new projects, you are not alone. Many teams struggle to get over the hurdle of starting something new. Try breaking projects and tasks down into bite-sized bullet points.
9. Define Job Descriptions and Expectations
One of the ways you can improve work performance is to ensure that everyone knows exactly what they should be doing. Too often, employees struggle with performance because they aren’t sure what tasks or projects are their responsibility. If you have a team that often collaborates, be sure that each employee knows what is on their plate.
10. Offer Employee Education
Another reason that work performance can suffer is that employees’ skills and knowledge may not always keep up with the fast progression of your industry. Instead of suffering through churn looking for the right employees, consider investing in an LMS or a training program to keep your current team up to date.
11. Improve the Environment
One of the ways to improve work performance that you may have heard before is to improve the office environment. People are more productive when they are physically and mentally healthy, and that has a lot to do with where we spend our time. Ensure that you provide ergonomic chairs and desks, properly functioning appliances for coffee or cold water, fast Internet service, and any other tools needed to complete the job without additional stress.
12. Build Trust Within the Team
Taking time out of the busy work schedule may sound like a bad idea – but you’d be surprised how much productivity can come out of some team-building exercises or events. Encourage your employees to build trust and better collaborative skills with scavenger hunts, book clubs, fitness challenges, and other events.
13. Give Autonomy Where Due
No one likes to be micromanaged. When leaders are constantly hovering over work, performance can plummet. When employees have shown that they meet deadlines and work well on their own, consider offering more autonomy. Some workplaces have improved performance by offering flexible hours or hybrid work-at-home schedules. This can result in improved performance because employees are empowered by the trust you display.
14. Keep Your Team Hydrated (Yes, Really)
Many studies have shown that our ability to be productive decreases exponentially when we are dehydrated. The same problem can happen when blood sugar drops. Focus and creative thinking fly out of the window when our physical needs aren’t met. Stock your break room with plenty of water bottles and healthy snacks and encourage your team to take advantage of the supplies.
15. Give Yourself an Action Goal
Finally, one of the ways to improve work performance that only you can do is to give yourself a goal. Reading tips to help your team boost productivity is only the first step. Give yourself a goal of putting one new idea or tip into action within a specific time. Maybe once a month is a good goal for you. This way, your team benefits from all the ways you have learned to boost work performance.