The Importance of a Multilingual LMS System
Multilingual LMS System is not only beneficial for employees but also for customers. Companies that are based in the United States, or in other countries, often expect their employees to learn and speak English as much as possible. While it is often beneficial for employees to be fluent in the native language of whichever country they are working in, there’s no reason why learning management systems should only be set up in English. You may actually be doing many employees a disservice by expecting them to learn in English only. Although employees may seem to speak English very well, or even read and comprehend it easily, learning in their native tongue might actually be much more beneficial and help them to retain more information in the long run.
Expecting employees to adapt to a learning management system that’s only in English might have some unexpected negative consequences. Allowing employees to study in the language that they are the most comfortable and proficient in can help to both improve overall efficiency and also help with retention.
Here are some reasons why it might be helpful to invest in a multilingual Learning Management System:
Qualities of a Multilingual LMS System
1: Clarity
A multilingual learning management system allows employees to select which language they train in. And it will typically be the language that they are the most comfortable with. Even employees that are fluent in English may not understand training thoroughly.
Training often involves industry-specific jargon that is used in very contextual situations. This can make it very difficult for even a fluent non-native speaker to fully understand the training and all the associated terms. Allowing them to access the training in the language that they understand the most will make sure that they get the deepest possible understanding and are fully aware of what they are expected to learn.
2: Engagement
An LMS that is only available in English may mean that nonnative English speakers actually appear, on the surface, to be quite disinterested or unengaged. In reality, what may well be happening is that they don’t have a full understanding of the training and therefore are not feeling encouraged to use the learning management system. They also may be discouraged from asking for help because they are concerned about how this will be perceived.
Many times, employees who aren’t completely fluent in English. They may not be able to express efficiently to management, human resources, or anyone who facilitates training, that at what point they are struggling. Providing multilingualism, enables autonomy and allows employees to learn at their own pace, on their own time, without needing help. This will encourage them to become more active in training and boost their confidence with the materials.
3: Communication
LMS that are multilingual provide an access in their native tongue before comparing it with English version. This can help them to improve their English vocabulary. Also, grow more proficient in the language overall.
Furthermore, this train of thought can actually work in the opposite way as well. Employees will get an access to LMS in English along with in their native tongue.
Customer Base Expansion Through a Multilingual LMS
A multilingual LMS System isn’t just going to be beneficial for corporate employees, it can also be beneficial for customers. Through a multilingual LMS system you will be expanding your customer base. By only offering these resources in English, you’re hugely limiting the number of customers that you can reach. Additionally, offering a multilingual learning management system shows that you appreciate everyone from every part of the world.
Offering employees and customers access to multilingual LMS Systems can help to ensure the training in the best way possible. Language isn’t straightforward, they won’t understand everything in English as well and easily as they do in their native tongue. While training, you want them to feel included so that they can gain as much as possible. By providing a multilingual LMS System, you ensure that they can get the most out of training possible. It’s a win-win situation for everyone that it involves.