Sexual Harassment Prevention In New York
The state of New York has a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment in the workplace. New York state employees are protected from sexual harassment by state and federal laws, which include the New York Human Rights Law and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. New York City employees have additional protection under The New York City Human Rights Law. This training course explains what sexual harassment is, and what employees can do if they have been harassed.
Viewers learn about the two types of sexual harassment in the workplace: Quid Pro Quo and Hostile Environment. For example, quid pro quo is when a supervisor or manager awards or withholds job promotions and benefits based on sexual favors. New York laws also protect employees from harassment, discrimination, or bias based on gender and pregnancy.
This course teaches ways to respond to workplace harassment, such as by reporting incidents to management and what is called bystander intervention. Bystander intervention is when co-workers who witness harassment step in to help. One way to help is by talking privately to the harasser, and another is by interrupting the harassment when it occurs. People who are harassed often feel isolated and afraid, so speaking to them directly encourages them to seek help.
Watch this training course to learn how to recognize and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Looking for Sexual Harassment prevention in New York training for managers?