Conflict De-Escalation Techniques: Communicating Face Covering Policies With Customers
You’ve seen the news stories of customers getting into angry and sometimes violent confrontations over their refusal to wear face coverings, and you don’t want that to happen to you. This microlearning helps you avoid any problems by offering a step-by-step process for talking with anyone who doesn’t want to follow your face covering policy. You’ll also see several examples of how not to talk to them, since those ones are a lot of fun to film.
This microlearning series helps you establish sensible and successful face covering policies to help reduce tension and increase compliance, as well as provide multiple techniques for de-escalating any situations with those few employees or customers who refuse to comply.
This is a very serious subject, but we’ve managed to make it entertaining, because that’s what we do. A conversation about face coverings that’s actually fun instead of infinitely annoying and exhausting? That’s right. So, get ready to enjoy De-Escalation Techniques for Face Covering Policies.