DOL Training Courses
OSHA Recordkeeping For Managers And Supervisors
17 to 27 minutes
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5,147 workers died on the job in 2017,...
What to Say When: You’re Asked to Compromise Your Ethics
5 to 7 minutes
What do you say when someone asks you to go along with something that isn’t...
FMLA in a Nutshell
9 to 19 minutes
The Family Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, is an important piece of legislation that can...
Ethics – Corporate
26 to 36 minutes
The term ethics is easy to define but hard to put into practice. Acting ethically...
Ethics For Everyone: Why Be Ethical?
37 to 45 minutes
This light-hearted ethics training makes a great required course for your employees. Not only does...
FMLA: Everything You Need To Know
20 to 40 minutes
In 1993, Congress made huge advancements in the field of workplace rights by passing the...
EEO Made Simple
11 to 26 minutes
EEO stands for Equal Employment Opportunity and refers to the practice of following all federal...
OSHA Recordkeeping For Employees
12 to 22 minutes
You and your employer have a powerful tool for making your facility a safer place...
Legal Social Media at Work for Employees
10 to 22 minutes
Social media has become an integral part of daily life for tens of millions of...
Legal Social Media at Work for Managers
11 to 21 minutes
A recent study showed the excessive use of social media cost U.S. employers $650 billion...
Business Strategy: Workplace Ethics
12 to 16 minutes
Ethical leaders help set the tone for their teams to follow suit in exhibiting behavior...
Workplace Ethics Made Simple
12 to 16 minutes
Workplace ethics is a serious topic. It involves laws and regulations that dramatically affect an...