The Contemporary Global Classroom – Changing Nature of Workplace Training
One of the concepts that can be most readily associated with the contemporary business world and economic environment is that of flexibility. The methods and modes of working, which were rigidly set around certain structures and hours, are increasingly being superseded by set-ups that more readily meet the demands of the contemporary marketplace. This is also very much the information age; thus, workplace training today can draw on information from a variety of different sources, and be of a scope that is truly global in nature.
Thus, when planning training today, one must take into account the changing nature of information, workplace structure, and a workforce that can be very much more diverse in nature across a variety of different parameters. The changing nature of workplace training calls for a re-think of the concept and or delivery of training itself.
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Traditionally, collaboration on training has occurred in one fixed place, usually a classroom. Training participants talk through issues together, with the debate and discussion being guided by a tutor or trainer. This is fine in principle, leaving aside some of the overhead costs and logistical issues that such a set-up can necessitate, but at the same time it is not really tailored to the needs of modern organisations, particularly those with employees at multiple locations that need training, and to have the ability to discuss that training, in accordance.
What an organization will almost certainly find in this day and age is that online learning systems can be much better suited to their core needs that traditional classroom-based training. Web conferencing has become an increasingly valuable tool in connecting people that are separated by vast geographical distances, enabling them to talk in real-time in much the same way people have done traditionally in a classroom setting. Creative use of this technology can enable your organization to produce training courses that very much mirror the sort of real world activities that employees have become accustomed to in traditional training. Thus, role‐plays, case studies, study groups, and simple discussion forums are easily achievable with online learning.
Using online technology creatively can produce results that can be preferable to real world engagement. For example, people located in differing areas can essentially form a dual classroom, by being given differing case studies to go away and discuss, before reconvening for a group discussion on the totality of the project. And online learning allows constant access to the likes of social networking, blogs, and online discussion forums to add content to this global collaboration.
Online training programmes such as eLeaP also allow organizations to upload their own course content from their own documents, making the process of meeting the differing needs of employees from vastly divergent geographical areas that much easier. In an ever more complex and diverse modern business climate, it’s no surprise that many employers are turning to online learning to meet the needs of the contemporary global classroom and the changing nature of workplace training.
- Download the Guide to the HR Technology Landscape – HR Intelligence Report
- How You Can Assess The Effectiveness of Your Training – Kirkpatrick Model
- How does E-Learning Drive Productivity in the Global Business? See for yourself.
- See how to Train People Who Don’t Want to Be Trained – Barriers to Training
- Download our The Strategic Value of Workplace Training and Development white paper
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