eLeaP, a leading provider of innovative learning management solutions, is proud to announce the launch of its latest solution, ‘My Reports.’ This revolutionary feature takes a problem-solving approach, enabling organizations to enhance training analytics and derive actionable insights for more effective decision-making.

eLeaP's 'My Reports' Advances Training Analytics for Greater Efficiency, Enhanced Productivity, and Improved Regulatory Compliance

“This is really good. We have to send a report on individual courses each week or month to individual stakeholders. This will completely automate that! That’s amazing!”

Rich Underwood, Quanticate 

Key Features of ‘My Reports’:

  1. Comprehensive Reporting Options: With four distinct report types—course completions, course non-completions, upcoming non-completions, and learning path completions – users can tailor their analytics to meet specific training needs.
  2. Customization Capabilities: Opt to generate reports for all or specific courses and set date ranges for greater analysis precision.
  3. Immediate Reports: Receive real-time insights using the date range feature without scheduling. One can receive reports via email or directly download them from the system.
  4. Scheduled Reports: Proactively track and manage training progress by setting up daily, weekly, or monthly dispatches with flexible delivery day options. Ideal for proactive tracking and management of training progress.
  5. Email Notifications: Users receive prompt email notifications with a direct link to download their reports, ensuring a seamless and efficient user experience.

My Reports - Scheduled Reports


Why ‘My Reports’?

‘My Reports’ is a strategic tool for organizations aiming to streamline training programs, monitor compliance, and enhance overall learning outcomes. eLeaP sets the standard in eLearning, offering an intuitive interface and extensive customization options to address the unique challenges faced by each organization. 


The ‘My Reports’ feature is now live for all eLeaP users. Existing users can explore this functionality immediately, while new users can take advantage of this cutting-edge feature upon sign-up.

About eLeaP:

eLeaP is committed to providing innovative learning and talent development solutions that empower businesses to cultivate skilled and engaged workforces through cutting-edge technology and world-class content. For over 19 years, eLeaP has helped organizations transform into smart enterprises that achieve exceptional results using our Learning Solutions + People Success + Regulatory Compliance Systems.

Contact Information:
Telania | eLeaP
1300 South Fourth Street
Suite 350
Louisville, KY 40208

Phone: (877) 624-7226
Fax: (502) 585-2345
Email: sales@eleapsoftware.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/eLeaP