Are your employees struggling to remain engaged in the workplace?

Do people in your organization dread having to undergo training?

Do you see the need to constantly retrain employees on the same concepts over and over again?

Are customers unresponsive to the tactics used by your sales or customer service team?

Are there accidents or missteps occurring on the manufacturing floor?

Is Your Training Outdated? Take a Look at These Signs to See If Your Organization Needs a Training Revamp

If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, it may indicate you have outdated training materials.

View a free whitepaper on “How To Measure the Effectiveness Of The Training in Your Organization Right Now.”

Unfortunately, there are many organizations that don’t truly understand the value of comprehensive, quality training for their employees, and they tend to lose out in a number of ways, from lower profits to a high turnover rate among employees.

Corporate training is something that should change with the times. If you’re still using the old training videos from the 1980s, you’re likely to get little to no effectiveness.

Times have changed, the way employees view the workplace has changed, and in order to remain competitive, you need to keep up, not only in terms of innovation but also in terms of how you train your employees.

Here are some signs that can indicate your training either needs a revamp or a total overhaul:

  • Your training isn’t utilizing new technology. This is a big problem in companies where there’s a lot of tradition and resistance to change. There is a plethora of new technology available that can make your training more effective, but if you’re not using it your employees are automatically going to view training as outdated. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s all about being able to have information on demand in a way that works for the individual needs of the employee. Training that relies solely on a classroom methodology or the use of videos isn’t going to offer this. Employees want to be able to learn on their computer or mobile device, at their own pace, and then be able to access information on-demand. Low-technology training can’t provide any of these opportunities.
  • If you’re spending a lot of resources on your training, it may be outdated. With the availability of tools like Learning Management Systems, training is low-cost and also time-efficient. If your training requires hiring instructors, securing an off-site location, and time away from work in order for it to be completed, it could be time to look at new methods that are going to save time and money. Training, in order to be effective, no longer requires that you allocate tons of resources to the process.
  • Does your training encourage employees to think critically? Critical thinking has been shown in research to increase engagement in training and also retention, but if you’re simply showing videos or handing your employees a manual that’s meant to represent the whole of their training, they’re not likely to be thinking critically. By blending new technology and tools that are now available, you can empower employees to make their own decisions and then see the results of those decisions throughout the training process. Training is no longer about simply being spoon-fed information and expected to remember it over the long haul. It’s about incorporating a variety of methods that allow the learner to really become a part of the training and learn in an environment where it’s safe to fail.
  • After employees complete training, are there metrics in place to measure its effectiveness? If the answer is no, it may be time to bid farewell to your old, outdated training tactics. Today’s training is all about not just throwing information at employees and hoping for the best but is instead about measuring results, making changes when needed, and collecting data throughout the career of an employee.

These are just a few of the many red flags that may indicate your training needs a breath of fresh air to revive it.

Luckily for companies, thanks to the rise of eLearning and learning management systems, it’s simpler than ever before to create and tweak training as necessary to ensure you always have a competitive advantage.