We Simply Can't List All the Awesome LMS Features
Course Setup & Management
Create courses
- Standard course type
- Observation Assessment course type
- Gradable and non-gradable statements
- Group courses by category
- Category color scheme
- Specify course instructors
- Course description and objectives
- Course cover image
- Course settings:
- E-Signature
- Self-Enrollment (restricted or all access)
- Lock lesson order
- ‘Available after completion’ options
- Deadline
- Period of time
- Specific date
- Auto re-assignment
- Fixed
- Recurring Time Frame
- Feedback form (optional or required)
- Discussions
- Assignment notification
- ‘Non completion’ notification
- Notification Contact
- Release certificate options
- Continuing education
- Default Instructor setting
- Course Duration
- Course Session Time (assigned course)
- Certificate (with personalization)
- Glossary
- Flip Cards
- Resources
- Ecommerce
- Course notes & memos
- Duplicate/copy course
- Course Revise
- Course Delete
- Chapters (including re-ordering)
- Lessons (including re-ordering)
- Lesson Timer
- Lesson Version Control
- Stats:
- Overview
- Completion Report
- Quiz Result
- Continuing Education
- Course progress bar
- Course filtering options
- Course log
Course upload tools
- Upload/embed attachment files
- Upload SCORM files
- Upload/embed video files including YouTube, Vimeo
- Embed external content
- Preview course
- Preview lesson
- Collaborate with others on course creation
- Six (6) question types, including Multiple choice, Multiple choice with explanation, Sort or ranking, Essay, Hotspot, and Upload answer.
- Quiz bank
- Import quiz questions
- Quiz difficulty settings (quiz question selection)
- Quiz answer feedback
- Export Quiz questions
- Quiz time limit
- Number of quiz questions used
- Customize Passing score/percentage
- Quiz retries
- Hide quiz answers after completion
- Display answers before/during retry
- Randomize quiz questions
- Randomize quiz answers
- Quiz preview
Course Assignment
- Assign to individual users
- Assign to Groups of users
- Assign to Learning Path(s)
My Assigned Courses
- Search by course name or categories
- Course status
- Course changes notification
- Show/hide courses in Learning Paths
- Self Enrollment Courses
- Search by course name, category or keyword
- Self Enroll
Course Categories
- Create/edit/delete course categories
- Number of courses available in each category
Events (Instructor-led Training)
- Event location, description
- Seat management
- Start/end date/time
- Time zone
- Public/private registration
- Assign attendees
- Manage attendees (waitlist, attendance status)
- Easily manage waiting lists, status reports, and roll call for live events
- Integrate testing, assessments, surveys, and discussions
- Automatically or manually award completion certificates
- Track live classroom training as well as online webinars
- Reporting available 24/7 to download and view
Quiz Results
- Access and download detailed quiz results
- Access and download quiz results summary
- Reset quiz results
- Grade subjective quizzes
- Access and download SCORM quiz results
Learning Paths
- Create and manage groups of courses
- Use Pre-set navigation to manage course access
- Self-enrollment option for Learning Paths
- Restricted or all access
- Scheduled release option to set course release dates
- Assign Learning Paths to users/user groups
- Easy access to Learning Path activity
- Easy Learning Path management
- Sell Learning Paths as modules
Skills Management: (add-on module)
- Customize Skills menu item
- Create and manage Skills/Tags
- Importance
- Proficiency
- Attach Skills to Courses
- Attach Roles to Courses
- Skills dashboard with filtering options
- Assign OJT items to skills
- Manual entries for skills
- Trainee Skills dashboard
Credentials Management: (add-on module)
- CE Overview
- All Credentials:
- Licenses
- Certifications
- Renewal management
- Add Credentials
- Import Credits
- Add attachments
- My Credentials:
- Self-managed Credentials
- License
- Certifications
- Self-managed Credentials
On-the-Job Training Tracking (OJT)
- Download OJT reports
- Manual Add OJT records
- Bulk Import OJT records
- Filtering options for OJT
- Edit/Delete OJT records
- View/Manage User OJT records
- Create, edit, and manage users
- Five (6) levels of users – Admin, Instructor, Coordinator, Manager, Supervisor, Trainee
- Import user lists or use API
- Automatic email alerts to users with password and course notification
- Filter by user, user level, user group, custom fields, active/inactive status
- Custom user fields
- Smart Assigning Rules (automated rules)
- Access and download user completion reports
- Manual password reset
- Automatic password reset – ‘forgot my log in’ link
- User activity sub-tabs report
- User Gamification activity, including Badges, Leaderboard
- User Certificates management
- User Notes – ePortfolio and journal
- Create and manage instructors
- Automatic email login for instructors
- Set up courses and collaborate on course development
- Access and download reports
- Assign courses to managed users and user groups
- Assign learning paths to managed users and user groups
- Access managed user activity reports
- Access managed user groups activity reports
- Perform Observation checklist assessment for managed users and user groups
- Perform and access OJT for managed users and user groups
- Notified when users/user groups don’t complete courses
- Access managed user groups activity reports
- Perform Observation checklist assessment for managed users and user groups
- Perform and access OJT for managed users and user groups
- Notified when users/user groups don’t complete courses
User Groups
- Create and manage multiple user groups
- Import users directly into user groups
- Search per user group
- Manager and Supervisor access for reporting
- Perform assessments
- Filter, access, and download user group activity reports
- Create and manage multiple forums for discussions
- Set access rules for access
- Set forum categories
- Search by keywords
- User reports
- User group reports
- Courses reports
- Self-enrollment report
- Learning Path reports
- Self-enrollment report
- Course completion report
- Server HDD reports
- Feedback reports
- Inbox notifications
- External email notifications
- Discuss instant discussions – course specific
- Forum discussions
Account Management
- Company/Organization profile setup
- Company/Organization logo setup
- Date format setup
- Auto time out
- Language selector (LMS Languages):
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Hausa
- Hebrew
- Icelandic
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
- Billing account with the pricing calculator
- Invoices/receipts
- Online payment profiles
- Gamification settings
- Integrations:
- Slack
- Redeapp
- OJT settings
- Credentials management (CE) settings
- Audit Trai
E-commerce (add-on module)
- Create courses for e-commerce sales
- Set course pricing, tags, and examples for e-commerce
- Catalog management
- Sales reports
- E-commerce completion reports
- Affiliates reports
- Promo codes management (Usage controls)
- Email alerts on e-commerce sales
Enterprise Account Interface (add-on module)
- Create and manage multiple eLeaP accounts
- Create accounts for multiple departments, divisions, or clients
- Brand individual accounts
- Create new courses, copy courses into client accounts
- Access reports – courses, users, completions, quiz results for all accounts
- Integrated billing for multiple accounts – with billing shielding for client accounts
- Historical user log
License Distribution Accounts – LDA
- Special LMS accounts for multi-license course distribution
- Market multi-license courses
- Course completion reports
- User management
- User activity reports
Single Sign-on (SSO) (add-on module)
- Azure
- Okta
- Onelogin
- Simplified
OAuth 2.0 (add-on module)
2-Factor Authentication (add-on module)
- Multiple 2FA providers, including Google Authenticator, Authy
API (add-on module)
- Overview
- Authentication
- Methods
- > Users
- > User Groups
- > Learning Paths
- > Courses
- Error codes
- Message examples
- Webhook actions
- Integration
Not sure if eLeaP is right for you? See how eLeaP™ LMS/LCMS can benefit your organization.
- Don’t risk your job on poorly designed and complicated e-learning systems
- Find out how eLeaP makes e-learning and online training easy and efficient
- Impress your colleagues by your knowledge and expertise in creating, delivering and managing e-learning and online training
- Put our eLeaP workforce development and talent management solution and support system at your finger tips and enjoy affordability, reliability and security
- Contact us for a personalized price quote or create a free account now.
- Not ready? Take a Quick Tour to determine if eLeaP is right for you.
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