Even though sexual harassment is illegal and should not be tolerated in any workplace, an estimated 30% of doctors and 80% of nurses have experienced sexual harassment by a patient or co-worker.

This course teaches managers how and why healthcare managers named in any type of sexual harassment complaint could lose their jobs, their reputations, and even their careers. The course then goes further to address how and why managers who fail to recognize or prevent sexual harassment or who engage in sexual harassment themselves can be found personally liable in court.

This course starts by demonstrating the two types of sexual harassment, Quid pro Quo and Hostile Environment. This course clearly illustrates the various ways sexual harassment occurs, by co-workers as well as patients and non-employees, and how these occurrences can lead to lawsuits, destroying not only the manager’s career but also the reputation of the healthcare organization.

Present this course so all healthcare managers and supervisors know how to prevent, recognize, and take corrective action against sexual harassment behaviors when they are reported to them.