OSHA Construction Training Courses
Caught-In/Between Hazards in Construction Environments
14 to 24 minutes
One out of every five workplace fatalities in the U.S. is due to a caught-in/between...
OSHA Construction: Safe Materials Handling
23 to 28 minutes
This training teaches construction workers the safety protocols, according to OSHA, for handling materials to...
Struck-By Hazards: Construction’s Fatal Four
12 to 22 minutes
Each year, over 5,000 construction workers are killed and over 150,000 are injured on the...
Crane Signal Person Basic Training
18 to 33 minutes
Cranes are undoubtedly among the most important pieces of equipment on large construction sites. Their...
Cal/OSHA Confined Space
14 to 22 minutes
Employees working in confined spaces face one of the deadliest workplace hazards. This video training...
Construction’s Fatal Four
17 to 27 minutes
More than 60% of all construction-related injuries and fatalities are attributed to four construction worksite...