What does SCORM LMS mean?
There is a lot of lingo floating around the eLearning universe. It can be hard to keep it all straight, and new jargon is invented every day. The term “SCORM LMS” is actually two separate acronyms.
Shareable Content Object Reference Model
Learning Management System
SCORM is the industry standard for programming and delivering eLearning courses of all types so that they can be compatible with an LMS software like eLeaP. SCORM has many versions with its latest iteration being Tin Can API. Needless to say, eLeaP is compliant with the SCORM 2004 standard. If you have content created in your own SCORM software and would like to upload them, try this SCORM LMS. Get your free live demo. Learn more about SCORM here.
This sounds pretty technical to me…
With all this technical talk of SCORM LMS, it would be easy to get the impression that you need to be an IT expert to operate and set up eLeaP. Nothing could be further from the truth. eLeaP is designed to be easy to use for even the most technophobic member of your workforce. If you can operate a computer, tablet or smartphone, you’re ready to get started.
And we don’t tie you to prohibitive long-term contracts. Find your own personal payment plan that fits your requirements, and that ensures your organization only pays for what it needs.
eLeaP is accessible and cost-effective.
Despite the sophistication of eLeaP’s SCORM LMS system, you won’t be charged a small fortune to gain access to eLeaP’s unique training tracking software. With our free 30 day trial you can test out eLeaP’s powerful and intuitive package without committing yourself to anything. Then once the 30 days is up, just select a package that suits you. No contracts, no long-term commitments, no hassle. Deliver your training with eLeaP’s SCORM LMS system and find out how much time, money and hassle you can save yourself.