Scaling A Business: Planning for Aggressive Growth
Growing a business can be challenging, but is very rewarding. This training course features several highly successful business people who share their valuable knowledge and experience on the topic of growth. Viewers hear first-hand accounts from founders and CEOs of companies such as Stonyfield Farm, Dogfish Head Brewery, and LifeLock.
One story featured is about how Dogfish Head Brewery grew 400% in 3 years. The company’s founder and president, Sam Calagione, discusses the importance of regularly reassessing his company. Calagione knows what works now might not work in the future, and he stays open-minded to new ways of doing business. Some of the other business people featured in this course share ideas about planning, learning from mistakes, and the challenges of growth.
Watch this training course to learn best practices from successful business experiences for dealing with and planning for aggressive growth.