As an educator, you know the value of great content and presentation. Getting eager young minds to engage with your classes or courses is undoubtedly crucial to being able to impart knowledge. If you have not already used an eLearning tool like Articulate Storyline to help you create great courses, you might be missing a huge opportunity to transform your classroom or workplace. You see, Articulate Storyline is a powerful eLearning software designed to turn boring training and presentations into elegant, interactive and – do we daresay – fun learning experiences. The Articulate Storyline tool is developed to compete with the likes of Camtasia®, Adobe® Presenter® and iSpring® in the eLearning software space. It is currently being used by over 60,000 organizations in 151 countries!

When we talk to educators at the ATD Day of Learning, that content creation was one of the biggest challenges they face, we decided to help by designing and offering this Articulate Storyline 2 class. This is a 3-day immersive and intense hands-on Storyline clinic where you go from beginner to expert.  If you were on the fence with Articulate Storyline, this is your chance to polish your skills and learn some pro-level tips to help you create great, powerful courses. We have enjoyed working with folks from the Jefferson County Public School (JCPS) System and look forward to working with you too.

All attendees will receive a flash drive loaded with tons of great content, including unique Storyline templates, free sound effects and background music, animated videos clips, insightful and relevant eBooks, and avatars, characters, and other images.

Here are the 3 levels of the Articulate Storyline Training Program

 Articulate Storyline 2 Beginner Course Outline

Articulate Storyline 2 Intermediate Course Outline

Articulate Storyline 2 Advanced Course Outline

Register today for our upcoming Articulate training classes – November 9th to November 11th. Remember to use code AST10 for 10% off.