Efficiency as a Leadership Quality, and How it Helps a Business Become More Productive
When the average person reflects on the word “leadership,” he or she will often think of sports figures and military commanders. The most obvious reason for this is how these leaders are depicted in the media, as well as other entertainment sources.
For instance, countless Hollywood movies depict passionate speeches by football coaches, Army generals and the like willing their sides to victory. These portrayals generally feature emotion as the primary source of leadership.
In the real world, there is a more effective leadership quality: efficiency. Business leaders that incorporate a well-organized and efficient plan for their organizations will inevitably win the hyper-competitive landscape we find ourselves in.
Organization Gives Clear Direction for Leaders
It is very difficult to achieve success until you define what success means to you. That includes setting a clear direction for your life, as well as very specific goals. Successful people with great leadership qualities do not turn out that way by accident. Instead, they have a clear plan and direction that is well organized.
Returning to the earlier example, the coach of a sports team will not simply show up for a game with the team and expect to win. There are countless hours that go into preparing for each game for professional coaches. Football coaches, specifically, will watch day’s worth of video of their team’s previous games as well as those of their upcoming opponent. Then, the coach will conduct thorough practice sessions throughout the week leading up to a contest – each meticulously organized and scheduled to the minute.
Having a clear direction involves setting goals. Goals serve two very important purposes: they provide clear direction and they offer motivation. Having a goal is vital because it gives you a focus, but you must also have something that will propel you towards it. Therefore, motivation is key.
By establishing organized goals in steps, leaders can increase motivation along their path for success. Each goal that is accomplished will increase momentum and motivate a leader to tackle the next obstacle.
Successful Leaders Understand the Value of Efficiency
A leadership quality that goes hand in hand with organization is the ability to operate efficiently. Efficiency, in simple terms, means not wasting time while working towards a goal. Having a clear direction with a goal on which to focus and the motivation to achieve it will help a leader use their time wisely.
Time management plays an extremely important role in efficiency. Leaders must determine which tasks should be prioritized, and which should be discarded.
There are both business-related and personal benefits to time management and efficiency. By minimizing time spent on insignificant details, a leader will be less stressed and more organized. That time that has been saved can now be applied to tasks that are directly related to the goals of the organization. The quality of performance will rise, both individually and when properly motivating a team or workers, which then leads to greater production.
Personally, a lower level of stress creates a better environment for creativity and freedom, and most likely a positive attitude. Workers will respond better to a leader that possesses these qualities, which will lead to an even better level of productivity.
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