Safe Forklift Operation: To The Point
This program covers the importance of safe and effective forklift operation and maneuvering to prevent serious accidents or death. According to statistics reported to government inspectors by employers, 100 workers are killed in forklift related accidents every year in the United States, 20,000 workers are seriously injured in forklift related accidents every year in the U.S. and 34,000 injuries are treated in emergency rooms every year due to forklift accidents.
This course covers operator training, the administration of a preoperational inspection, determining the truck’s lifting capacity and a forklift’s combined center of gravity and stability triangle. The second half of the course takes a close look at safe operating techniques for maintaining stability, carefully and safely placing and lifting loads, appropriate and safe driving techniques, and precautions with the loading dock and trailer.
Utilize this course among your employees to ensure safe and effective forklift operation to prevent serious injury or death.