Learning Management & Talent Development Insights
Latest trends, ideas and reports in the world of talent development, learning management and edtech
Guarantee Your Company is Compliant with New York’s Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
As you may already know, it matters very little where your company is geographically located, or even if it has multiple sites; there are now sexual harassment-prevention laws that must be followed. While you might argue that your state, or the state in which the company is headquartered, has no set policies around the issue, […]
How to Be Sure Your Company is in Line with Illinois Mandated Sexual Harassment Training
On a national basis, more and more companies are finding it necessary to implement workplace training designed to help supervisors and others recognize and halt sexual harassment. In many areas, it is not mandatory, but in some states, such as Illinois, harassment prevention has been voted into state law. And although sexual harassment training and […]
Training Tips to Avoid OSHA Violations in the Workplace
Organizations must follow certain training tips in order to avoid OSHA violations. Every year, workplace accidents cost American companies millions of dollars. Those costs come in the form of worker’s compensation payments, lost time and productivity, damage to business assets, and numerous other forms. OSHA rules and regulations are designed to help reduce the chance […]
How to Loop Employees into Career Path Development
The employment landscape has changed a lot over the past few decades. We’ve seen the end of an era – when employees worked for one employer for decades, to eventually retire with a pension. We’ve seen the rise of something new and arguably better – an era where employees are unafraid to jump ship if […]
Employee Morale and Learning: Understanding How L&D Can Drive Morale
There is (rightfully) a lot of focus on employee engagement. It’s a critical measure of success and, without good engagement, it’s impossible to move forward as an organization. However, the same attention is not paid to employee morale, which is equally crucial for success and, in many ways, can be used as a barometer of […]
Innovation and Creativity Zones and Their Impact on Your L&D Efforts
“Innovation” – it’s one of today’s hottest buzzwords. However, it’s more than that. It represents the goal to which so many organizations aspire, and yet somehow fall short. Often, a lack of innovative capability stems not from missing in-house talent, but from the wrong culture. It also comes from not supporting employees through the right […]
Learning through Volunteering: Going beyond the LMS
Employee development requires an intentional strategy and the right tools. A modern, cloud-based LMS will be central to your success. However, there are times that you might need to go beyond your learning management system to deliver meaningful, timely development options to your employees. One such example is learning through volunteering. What Is Learning through […]
How to Analyze Your Company’s Culture: The Quest for Better L&D
We’ve talked a lot on this blog about the importance of developing a culture that values learning and innovation. We’ve also discussed some of the negative consequences, both to L&D and to the company as a whole, that stem from having the wrong corporate culture. However, what we really haven’t addressed in any real depth […]
Tips for Strengths-Based Development within Your Organization
In the traditional organization, employees are coached based on their weaknesses. For instance, if someone excels while working solo, but struggles in a team-based environment, the coach would tell them they need to build their soft skills, like teamwork. While that’s not untrue, the method fails when it comes to building successful teams. A strengths-based […]
6 Rituals to Help You Develop a Culture of Continuous Learning
Your company’s culture is incredibly important. It dictates the workplace experience. It affects the caliber of new hires you’re able to attract. It determines how long employees want to stay with you, as well. Few investments return as powerful a result as creating a continuous learning culture. When your team members know that you are […]
How Learning and Development Can Improve Resilience in the Workplace
What would you say are the most important qualities of a successful team member? Professionalism? Knowledge? A willingness to go the extra mile? These are certainly important, but you cannot neglect resilience, particularly today. In the age of COVID-19, resilience – the ability to roll with the punches – is absolutely crucial. Why, though? And […]
Tips to Help Create Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Creating a sense of psychological safety in the workplace is a critical step. Without it, your teams will lack cohesion, your team members will be too afraid of repercussions to take risks on new things, and your employees will not share what they truly think. Of course, creating that sense of psychological safety can be […]