Learning Management & Talent Development Insights
For 20 years, eLeaP® has helped organizations achieve excellence through learning, performance, & quality.
The Benefits of An Adaptive, Personalized Onboarding Strategy
Your people aren’t identical. Why should their onboarding process be? Granted, you do want to have some structure in place and have an actual onboarding process, but it should be flexible enough to be adapted to the various people that you bring into the organization. Some people might need more time with training courses. Others […]
Creating an LMS that Puts People at the Center of L&D
Digital transformation and learning and development are much more about the people than the technology involved. After all, you can have the best strategies in place for embracing technology as part of your LMS and other learning and training tools and still not get the results that you anticipate because you didn’t take the time […]
Knowledge Sharing in the LMS: From Classic Training Modules to Collaborative Learning Efforts
Today’s employees aren’t going to sit around and watch decades-old training videos for six hours and then take a test on the computer to see how “competent” they are on what they learned—it’s tiresome, ineffective, and ends up costing much more time, money, and culture points than you might realize. Instead, organizations are being driven […]
5 Training and Development Trends Inspired by the COVID-Induced Remote Work Model
The world has changed in many ways since the early days of 2020 when everyone was sent home for the foreseeable future. Although there was (and still is) a lot of struggle, sadness, and loss, there has also been some good to come out of being forced into a remote lifestyle. In the world of […]
What it Means to Be a “Learning Organization”: It’s More than Your LMS
Having a learning management system in place is only the beginning of the journey for organizations that are seeking to future their knowledge and industry expertise. Continuous improvement is becoming even more critical as organizations strive to gain a competitive edge in the global economy. There is a list a mile long that is ever-changing, […]
Tired of the Same eLearning Elements and Courses?
Are you tired of the same eLearning elements and courses? Do you seem to be developing the same modules over and over again? If you answered yes, you could be seriously limiting the potential of your employees, which means limiting the potential of your organization. Understandably, formulating entirely new platforms or a new LMS program […]
Online Training and Employee Productivity
Keeping your team focused and constantly on the ball can be a difficult task to accomplish. However, this is one of the most important areas of focus for any organization – and if it’s not, it probably should be. Productivity leads to discovery, and discovery leads to achievement. This is why keeping employees engaged and […]
Adding Collaboration to Your Corporate Culture
Before the corporate environment shifted into more of a remote atmosphere, offices held live in-person meetings. This sounds like a foreign concept, but humans actually got together and interacted in person. All jokes aside, one pitfall of in-person group conversation at one point was fatigue that developed among employees after getting tired of constant marathon […]
5 New Ways to Measure Employee Engagement
It’s difficult to read any blog or article about corporate learning or training without being bombarded with content about employee engagement. If it’s not employee engagement, it’s about retention, turnover, or the onboarding process. This content isn’t appearing in front of you by chance. This critical information is a hot topic because all of these […]
Evaluating New Hires
Evaluating new hires after their first year can be challenging. This is especially true when your new employees don’t know what to expect. In this article, we’ll give you ideas on how to turn new employee reviews into a tool instead of a chore. It’s not only helpful to new employees to know what their […]
Use Generated Content for Learning Platforms: What You Should Know
It’s common knowledge that peer engagement can be quite effective when it comes to corporate learning. Hence the reason for forums and group chats within LMS platforms. We all participate in a common form of peer engagement is user-generated content. This is a technical term for the posts we see on Instagram or Reddit and […]
Psychology-Backed Strategies That Keep Employees Engaged
Recent surveys suggest that online course providers and LMS platforms are experiencing a huge boom when it comes to signups from organizations in the corporate world. However, many of these signups experience extremely low completion rates shortly after deploying the software. Because of the absence of face-to-face learning and the human connection, keeping employees engaged […]