Learning Management & Talent Development Insights
Latest trends, ideas and reports in the world of talent development, learning management and edtech
Efficient Compliance Training In the Pharmaceutical Industry: Features You Want
Few industries exist that are monitored for compliance awareness, as much as the pharmaceutical sector. Every day different characteristics are changed regarding specific painkillers, anxiety medication, and other controlled prescription drugs. Because employees are trained to follow certain protocols on different brands of medication, when regulations surrounding a medicine are altered, the employee training must […]
HIPAA Compliance Training and the Modern LMS: Keeping Your Healthcare Staff Up to Date
Nothing is worse than hours of endless compliance training, seminars, and mandatory meetings to “learn” about the latest rules and guidelines of HIPAA compliance and other topics. It’s an exhausting topic to have to understand and yet, there are different ways to approach it that can often take that sense of dread and boredom out […]
How Learning and Development Can Play a Key Role In Compliance Training
In a world that seems to be changing faster as each day passes, you must become efficient at focusing on the constants. You want to set yourself up for the lowest amount of risk possible. When you’re on the hook for compliance training, every portion of the process is going to be heavily scrutinized by […]
How Microlearning Can Help Compliance Training
In our current world, everyone seems to be too busy with everything. People are too busy with work to get things done at home, and people are too busy with tasks at work to learn or train. This is a recurring theme that seems to keep most members of the workforce in a continuing cycle […]
Common Compliance Training Problems
Compliance training doesn’t tend to be the most exciting type of training out there, but it is critical to the proper running of an organization. Unfortunately, compliance training can be dry and difficult for employees to understand if not delivered the right way. This is bad news because compliance training is so critically important that […]
5 Tips for Creating Engaging Compliance Training
Compliance training is essential for every organization. It is not uncommon for compliance training to be treated as a burden, and this view often leads to ineffective training and failure. Companies become better and more profitable organizations when they view compliance training as an opportunity to equip their employees with the necessary skills to handle […]